14 January 2007

Installing this template

I recommend creating a temporary blog to test this template first. Once you've done that, follow these instructions -

  1. Download the template file (find the link in the sidebar), and save it to your computer
  2. Login to your Blogger/Google account
  3. Go to the dashboard of your blog
  4. Select "Layout" on the blog where you want to install the template (Once again, I recommend using a temporary blog first)
  5. Go to Edit HTML
  6. Click on "Expand Widget Templates"
  7. Under "Upload a template from a file on your hard drive:", click "Browse" and select the template file that you saved.
  8. Click on Upload
  9. If Blogger prompts you that you are about to delete some widgets, then stop, and click on Cancel
  10. Manually add the mentioned widgets to the saved template file.
  11. Upload the template file again
  12. Check the blog to see if the layout looks okay, if the labels on the left look broken, try uploading the template file one more time

These instructions are still not complete, so use them at your own risk!


Anonymous said...

Good Job! :)